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See the bigger picture of your personal narrative through art.

Enhance your well-being through facilitated discussions and therapeutic experiences around art.

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Look at the world around you and within you differently.

This blend of observation and social-prescribing practices enables self-discovery through art. We help you ignite your creativity, find your flow, and visualize your purpose.

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PERSONAL art prescriptions

Art is considered to be a universal language but how we relate to it is always personal.

Sit down with us for 60 minutes and walk away with a personal art prescription.

Art for identity
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Art for wellness


How to be your most content self.

Self-care is a form of active resistance to everything and everyone that asks for our time, attention, and resources. When we care for ourselves, we are better equipped to care for others in a more profound and fulfilling way. 

In this course, we explore art and artists' practices alongside art therapy tools for creative ways to approach self-care.

In Art for Wellness you will:

• Learn new tools for reframing emotions
• Create your own personal happiness hacks
• Re-ignite your sense of wonder
• Renew self-esteem and sense of self
• Complete your own Art for Self Care Manual

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How to make everyday work for you.

Balance is a key design principle in art and nature.
We need balance to live a self-regulated and resilient life.

In this course, we dive deeply into the elements and principles of balance and harmony in art, design, and nature to uncover creative strategies for achieving it. You will design an Artful Method Life Wheel™ —a powerful self-assessment tool to visually represent how balanced your life currently is so you can develop a more aligned, iterative approach to being in the world.

In  Art for Balance you will:

  • Explore what gives your days meaning

  • Understand how to live with more intention

  • Restore your sense of balance

  • Establish your vision for a harmonious life.

Art for balance
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 “This was unlike anything else I have experienced; it was fun, thought provoking and made me realize I can enjoy art in a whole new way.”

— Eleanor, San Francisco


“A great reminder to slow down, look at things deeply, and that there is a lot more inspiration around you if you take the time to stay open to it.”

— Rashid, New York

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